Investor Relations Associate

Posted by: admin

Posted on 07/14/2023

Investor Relations Associate

Known for her exceptional relationship-building skills, Ana Gabriela has a genuine passion for connecting with investors and understanding their unique requirements. As Outlander VC’s Investor Relations Associate, she fosters strong investor relationships, delivers exceptional service, and continuously expands her knowledge in the ever-evolving investment landscape.

Before joining Outlander VC, Ana supported potential and current investors of FK Capital Management, a long-short equity strategy hedge fund focused on tech and consumer verticals. In addition to her investor relations responsibilities, she also led new business development at pharmaceutical company MINO Labs, sales and marketing strategy at private real estate fund Tessera Capital, and the initial business development of consumer product brand Aromaria. In each of her roles, Ana’s deep understanding of psychology proved invaluable in meeting the unique requirements of every client in her care. 

Armed with an International Business degree from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Ana possesses a comprehensive understanding of global market dynamics. Beyond her professional accomplishments, she is an avid reader and art lover. Her commitment to intellectual curiosity, creativity, and continuously expanding her knowledge allows her to approach challenges with a fresh perspective. At her core, Ana Gabriela Bon is wired to forge and deepen her connections with the people around her.


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